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martes, 11 de mayo de 2010

Romería de "EL Rocío"

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Entrada Hermandad de Huelva en el Rocío (1ª parte)-2009

El Rocio is coming...

Hello again, do you know El Rocio is coming to Huelva in a few days? Yes, it`s a very well-known religious festival in our city. I invite you to come and discover this funny and passionate celebration, but if you come , don't forget being dressed with your Andalusian custome, that is, "El traje de gitana".

You can see a picture of "The church of El Rocio" on the left.

English is amazing, isn't it?

Hello bloggers, I`m Estefanía Coterillo, and I will help you with your English doubts or curiosities!..So, welcome to my blog.